SMART Goal Setting - How to Set Extremely Effective Goals

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hey this is Leo for actualised org and this video we're gonna talk about setting SMART goals smart goal setting so what are smart goals we're going to break that down and we're just gonna talk about how to set goals in a smart way and we're going to talk about how do you set powerful goals goals that you can achieve versus the type of goals that most people set which are not achieved and do not create the kind of success that people want from their goal-setting process so SMART goals by SMART goals smart is actually an acronym spelled smart and it actually stands for something in the goal setting process so this has been a really widely publicized concept you've probably heard of SMART goals if you work in a corporate environment or do any kind of personal development work basically all across the world so smart what does smart mean there are basically five points here and it tells you what kind of goal it basically defines the goal so that you know that if your goal hits all five of these points then it's a good goal and if it doesn't hit these five points then it's a bad goal so let's talk about it smart and I'm gonna list each one item each letter in the word smart and then I'm going to go through and in detail talking about each point so first is specific the essence smart stands for specific your goal needs to be specific the next point is M measurable the next point is a attainable the next point is are realistic and the final point is T timely so those are the five points of a SMART goal so you can literally use this as a checklist that's how it's intended to be used is that once you create a goal you use this rubric this checklist and you go through and you ask yourself is it smart is it specific measurable attainable realistic timely now you can probably just from what I've said right there already get a lot of value if you just go and analyze all your goals based on that simple model without even any further explanation because these these ideas are self explanatory but let me go into some of the nuances here and then I'm gonna actually give you my improved version of the goal-setting process because I think that smart is okay but I think there's a better way to think about Cole's than to use this smart checklist and in fact I don't really use it I don't find it as valuable as some other ideas that I have so smart specific I think actually this is the most valuable component of the whole smart five part system is that your goal needs to be specific and I do buy into this idea I think it's really really important that when you create a goal you try to specify it in as much detail as possible the biggest reason that people do not achieve their goals besides the fact that they don't really set goals is that they're not specific a vague goal like I want to lose some weight or I want to get into a relationship or I want to make more money or I want to improve my my wardrobe like these are very vague goals if you set a goal like that then what tends to happen is you first of all I would not even call this a goal this is not a goal this is a vague desire that you have and a vague desire is not a goal and it's not going to accomplish anything like what a goal will accomplish to set a good goal you need to be very specific that means details as much imagery and as much how much detail as you can so for example if you want to live in a nice house instead of saying I want to live in a nice house or a nice place you specify where exactly do you want to live what size of house like what location what city what part of the city how many bedrooms like be very very specific so maybe you want to live in San Diego okay you want to live in San Diego what part of San Diego do you want to live in a suburb do you want a little bit condo do you want to live in a high-rise do you want to live in a duplex do you want to live on the beach do you want to live in a city where okay let's say you want to live in a high-rise if you want to live in a high-rise how many square feet should it be which direction should be looking should have an ocean view should have a city view should be near a good school should it be near some clubs or some restaurants like what aren't one of the details of all that how much should it cost do you care how much it costs go ahead and fill in all those blanks and what really I find helps is actually visualize it picture it in your mind play around with it use your mind as kind of an experimentation chamber where you are are just prototyping rapid prototyping your your ideal life what you want for yourself so be very very specific about your goals drill down on them this is huge the next point is measurable how are you gonna know when you achieved it this is pretty easy for example in the case of this of living in in a high-rise you're gonna know because you're sitting in it and you're looking out your window at your ocean view let's say and it's a 2,000 square foot condo in a high-rise so there you are you know but it's important that you do have that kind of memento fide so you can measure that easily so if I ask you have you achieved your your goal to live in San Diego you can easily say yes or no you have some sort of objective metric by which you can tell and I can look at it and say yep you're right you did or you didn't because I can say I can I can ask you for your address and if your address is not in that condo that you wanted then it's very easy to tell for everyone not just you that that goal did not come about or that it did if you do have that address so make your stuff specific and make your stuff measurable now measurable might be a little bit more tricky for example in a business you know maybe a goal that you have is that you want to pull in more clients you want to pull in more sales you want to pull in more traffic to your website you want to pull in more customers to your store right maybe you want to be better known in your industry well what does it mean to be better known in your industry how are you gonna measure that and this has to be something that a panel of judges let's say we have a pan of judges sitting like the Supreme Court and we can bring forth to them some sort of document or some sort of evidence and say here we go look I am now more reputable in my industry what would that look like that might look like a news letter article like a news magazine article written about you maybe you get the front-page cover shot in in a trade journal that you're part of maybe you have a website that receives an X number of visitors every month and those are industry related maybe you now work in a new job where you're more visible you're more public maybe now you have people calling you maybe you have two people calling you every week asking you about your industry or asking to work with you because you're so visible in your industry so those are some specific points but you can see that a lot of people will have this goal of like yes I want to do better at my job yes I want to be better in my business yes I want to have more afford a in my industry but then they don't they don't specify what those what those points are so important measurable then attainable is your goal something that you can attain all right if I set the goal of flying to the moon that's not something that's really attainable given my given my skill sets given my desires it doesn't really align with what I even want to do in my life so it's not really something that I should be shooting for so make sure that what you're going for is something that is actually matching your talents matching your strengths matching mere desires it's something that can be done the next point are is realistic so again realistic means that you've set it up in such a way that it's possible to do given the expectations that you have so is it possible to do in the timeframe that you set it in right is it possible to do right now given your skills or do you need to to radically revamp your skills in order to do it you know is it possible to do at all and that's a bit of a tricky question because who knows what's really possible I think most people limit ourselves in that respect you know it probably is possible for me to fly to the moon if I was really dedicated and I really wanted to do it but not not right for me right not right for me and certain things are just too unrealistic in the way that we set it up just the process of it I tend to find is what's unrealistic is people expect some sort of fast traximus or a shortcut like they want to earn a million dollars in a month that is highly unrealistic but if you want to earn a million dollars totally realistic for anybody you just got to have a realistic plan in place so get that into place and then the last point of smart is of course the tea timely that means you put a time frame on on whatever it is you want to accomplish this is also called time bound putting time boundaries so when are you gonna have that condo in San Diego when are you gonna have your your picture on the front page of a trade magazine when are you gonna have a marriage we're gonna have find your spouse by win by what day be specific year week month day minute as specific as you can get that's more specific the better all right so that's smart we've covered every point I think it's pretty clear about which each one of those means I think the way that you use this is you simply run down whatever goal you've got whether it's a goal that you've got personally or for your company want a product that you're working on and run through this process and make sure that it hits all these points especially the one I think I'd say about being specific you want your goals to be very very specific so now I'm gonna give you my thoughts really quickly and I'm not gonna go into too depth much depth here I don't have that much time about a better way to set goals I find that the smart process is not necessarily the best for me this is the essentials of setting amazing goals all right you ready and it's really simple one make sure your goals are specific yes they do have to be specific so we're still keeping that point next make sure your goals are huge big inspiring telling goals these goals need to get you fired up and excited and motivated don't set wimpy little small goals those wimpy little small goals those realistic goals those layup goals that you're setting those are actually gonna be harder to accomplish than the big ones because they don't generate any kind of excitement or passion or motivation within you so make sure your goals are big then I would say the third point make sure your goals are aligned with you they have to be aligned you have to really want them don't set a goal that's just for example to earn a lot of money when what you really want is spend time with family that's ridiculous you're gonna waste years and years of your life chasing money when what you really want is to spend time with family in fact it's gonna be tracked from your family time because you're new spending it all at your job so be very clear about what it is that you want this is where Values Clarification comes into play and feelings identification identify what feelings you want to feel and make sure that the goals that you set are going to actually connect with your top values and your top feelings the connection has to be there and the closer the two are to each other the better you don't want some long circuitous route where you say well if I go and earn more money then I can start another business then that business will earn even more money and then that money will allow me to then retire and then when I retire I can finally spend time with my family yeah good luck doing that why would you want to create that that's that's totally wrong if you want to spend time with a family go directly to what is gonna get you to spend time with your family right okay and then the next point is look at your goals visualize your goals in as much detail as possible every single day for me I've made a mental we for myself a law and my law is that I don't consider myself having set a goal unless I look at that goal and review that goal for at least a minute or two every day so if I set a goal the only way I can even count it as a goal otherwise I say it's just a vague desire it's only a goal if I write it down I have to write it down and I have to review it look at it think about it every single day every single day until it's accomplished otherwise it's not a goal it's just a big desire I've made this rule for myself because it's too easy to not write stuff down it's too easy to be wishy-washy it's too easy to be vague and then nothing happens so that is my my little version of the smart process so that's how I think I would approach setting goals I think this is what gets you the biggest biggest result if you follow these points that I mentioned all right so this is it I'm at a time I'm gonna sign off please leave me your comments tell me what kind of goals you're setting and how this has helped you and then please like it and share it that's why I release this content for free and of course go to actualised org if you are interested in this tyga topic because there we cover the goal-setting process in much more depth we talk about how to do visioning advanced techniques or how to really get yourself to accomplish your goals because this is just the tip of the iceberg for what the goal-setting process really really entails check out actualize that Oregon's sign up for the free newsletter there with with weekly video updates you